The Gilsulate insulation system has a proven record of long-term reliability; a successful alternative choice to a DDT (Drainable, Dryable & Testable) or other pre-insulated piping systems. Gilsulate has been used to encapsulate and isolate the filed applied joints of DDT and other pre-insulated piping systems to prevent water intrusion into the system; it is also used to repair existing failed or damaged preinsulated systems.
A Gilsulate 500XR insulation system is used with just the raw carrier pipe, eliminating the annulus which can fill with water. Gilsulate 500XR components are manufactured to be hydrophobic so the insulation stays dry, unlike other insulations. The installed material prevents moisture penetration and water ingress; eliminating those underground challenges and providing a long-term reliable system to the owner.
(1) Van Blaricum, Vicki; Marsh, Charles; Hook, Vincent (May 1995) Thermal Energy Supply Optimization for Aberdeen Proving Ground-Edgewood Area. USACERL Technical Report
(2) Herb Moak – I.E. Dupont